Riley was an 11 year old child who was the impetus for forming Muriel's Angels. He was born with DiGeorge Syndrome (Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome), a combination of very severe heart defects called Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia and Major Aorta Pulmonary Collateral Arteries, end stage kidney failure, and multiple other medical issues. Unfortunately, Riley passed away in 2018. His legacy lives on through Muriel's Angels. For more information about Riley and his family please follow their Facebook Page:
Testimonial Riley's Family: Okay guys, we have had some exciting news to share, but we have been trying to keep quiet until we knew that it was definitely happening. With all the terrible things going on in this world, here, let me restore your faith in humanity. Riley's Dad made friends with this wonderful man through work, who uses a wheelchair like Riley. They got to talking about Riley and all his challenges and this amazing and selfless man, along with a group of his friends, decided to get together, working with a company that provides wheelchair accessible vans and donate this van to Riley and our family. It is fully wheelchair accessible and equipped with a ramp and tie downs for Riley's wheelchair. This is going to be life changing for us, as Riley is getting pretty difficult to lift and move around. We get to go and pick up the van tomorrow! God bless these incredible people who came together to do this for us!